Trekking about

Today we had nothing to do so we went trekking around the city for two and a half hours. The thing about lock down is..................... OK I know we're officially not locked down, but sometimes it feels as if we still are, is the fact that Ann is constantly obsessing about how much human interaction she has. Lock down seems to have changed her whole mindset. Before lock down she never even thought about how many people she interacted with. Now she seems to have become obsessed with planning to see at least one real live person a day. And today we had no plans to meet anybody. Hence the trekking around for hours and hours.

The good thing about lock down is the fact that we've walked for miles and miles and Ann has worn out the soles of her trainers actually had the time to look at things in the city that maybe we wouldn't normally of seen. Today after we'd trekked along part of the canal we went down to the New Town and trekked around there.

Home and Ann settled herself in front of the TV. She's working her way through Classic EastEnders & Coronation Street. Up to the mid 90s now. I settled down for a snooze cos I was very sleepy. But two hours later do you know what happened?............... Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm going shopping. Do you want to come with me and then I'll take you to the park to play with your ball?'

I only played with my ball for about 20 mins. Walking for two and a half hours had made me very tired so I kept having to go for a little lie down in the undergrowth.

…......................And here we are........................... another Tuesday evening. Nothing to do and nothing on TV??!!!


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