
By Nettenet

Veryan and Portloe

Yesterday was a grey day and we didn’t go out anywhere, so no blip.  The plan was to grab some fish and chips and sit by Pendennis castle to eat them overlooking the sea. But we just had takeaway and ate them at home.

Today, our last full day, we woke to sunshine once again. So we decided to be brave and venture out during the day. First we visited the village of Veryan which is famed for its 5 round houses. Built by a local vicar in the 19th century with no corners for the devil to hide in. A lovely walk through the church grounds and village with a stop at the local pub for a drink.

Then it was on to Portloe, a small Cornish fishing village. Not very much there but very pretty nevertheless.

A week of back blips of our stay with mum and dad in Cornwall (there broadband is appalling :-D)).

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