In the Garden

 I couldn't think of anything for Mono Monday with the challenge of "Keys" today. I gave up and picked this photo taken back at the garden plots at Bethany Lake for a little Cabbage White Butterfly.

Look at the extra for the result of having our TV hung on the wall today; I hired a young man who was out of work. He said he knew how to put up a TV support and hang the TV on it.....He did a great job UNTIL we turned the TV on and found that it had cracked ...... he had held it too firmly on the screen when he lifted it on the bracket....opps!! He felt terrible, we all felt terrible, BUT what to do? The TV was still under the manufacturer's warranty, BUT that only covers problems with the working of the TV NOT with breakage  caused by someone handling it.....Oh well....hubby might enjoy getting a new TV......I suppose this is what our emergency fund is for, right? Personally, I don't see any rush in getting a new is summer and there are so many better things to do than watch TV.

It was another hot day. I picked the 2 nectarines off my tree and picked another basket of raspberries; I threaten to remove that nectarine tree if it doesn't produce better, but then I hope it will do better next year and I let it stay.

Disturbing violence by the protesters today; these demonstrations have gotten out of hand, I think it is taken away from the possible good that can come from the Black Lives Matter cause. Our downtown area seems like an unsafe place to sad.

Stay safe everyone.....stay nice.

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