The best thing about lockdown

A lovely card from R with a message about lockdown. We didn’t see her for weeks, but we spoke every day when she was out for her walk. We both feel that we have learned so much about one another and our history.

Last night Amber was poorly, something that she had eaten up at the park. I was so worried that anything might happen to her, as I can cope with most things but that would have wiped me out. She was as right as rain this morning.

The cold day got colder and I ended going to bed last night with two beanies, one for my feet and the other for my hands, all of which were frozen. Is it really mid August!!!

I slept from 10 -2 then woke with sternum pain, took two paracetamol, then slept until 9am. Wasn’t I a happy bunny when I woke!!! Sooo much sleep!!! 

A good productive day. R came over at lunchtime with shopping, we were able to sort out loads of bits and pieces, so she went off with the stuff needing posting.

A nap on the settee, was followed by a flower arranging session on the garden table. The mess kept out of the house. I had more flowers delivered today, such kind friends. We sorted out the other vases and rearranged the contents to have a spare vase for the new flowers. B did the leg work whist I endeavoured to improve my flower arranging skills!!! 

This has been the best day so far!!!! 

Things to be grateful for:
A liberal supply of hot water for showers. Seven days in hospital without a shower or hair wash made me appreciate the task that I did on automatic pilot and took for granted. 

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