
By Stiffknees

Dining with the Duke!

After we had to cancel our driving holiday in northern Spain and France this year (we should be there right now) we decided to spoil ourselves and have a couple of nights away at the Goodwood Hotel which is very dog friendly - dogs are even welcome in the dining room! 

When we arrived, we went straight to The Kennels (part of the hotel) for lunch and found ourselves sitting at a table on the terrace very near the Duke of Richmond who was having lunch with friends.  One of his dogs came over to say hello to Ivy! 

We then drove on to the hotel to check in etc. and after a little rest we walked back through the estate to have tea at The Kennels (about a mile) which takes you in front of Goodwood House (main blip) and on to The Kennels which you can see in Extras - with Mr Sk and Ivy posing in front!

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