Ponies at Tingon

A fairly dull day, with mist at times, the sun tried to break through, but didn't last long. Fairly breezy tonight.

Up early, and boss Vera came by for breakfast, a bacon roll and a cuppa. Headed down to Robert and Shannon's to fetch the car. Met up with friend Julie in the afternoon, and a walk to Roe Sand, a cuppa at Briewick cafe, and out to Tingon. A quiet evening at home, with mam and dad popping along for a cuppa.

Always worth a walk around Tingon, but most of the time there was spent relaxing with some ponies. They weren't overly friendly, but as I lay in the grass, the strolled by munching their lunch. This mother and son happily eating, with the Tingon croft house in the distance, Eshaness.

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