British summer

We thought it would be wise to take waterproofs when we went blackberry picking (at the request of the eldest) this afternoon.  Two minutes before we took this picture we were in short sleeves and enjoying the warmth of the day. We got caught in torrential rain - rain running down trousers and shorts straight into wellington boots.  We got plenty of blackberries and lots (and lots) of sloshing around in puddles (inside and out of the wellys). 

Back to our lockdown routine tomorrow as we don't have childcare for the eldest, so it's work at 4.30am, then shifts for morning and afternoon childcare. The youngest is off to nursery and is somewhat upset at not being at home (despite loving nursery), the eldest is a little smug about having time at home with mummy and daddy.  I haven't broken it to him that there is going to be lots of time doing numbers & letters, followed by some other rather mundane tasks that will need to be done (and I'm sure we will do some slightly more interesting things as well!) 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Fun in the rain - an no-one complained about getting wet 
Getting out for a run this morning 
Phone call from a friend, lovely to have a chat!

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