Nikau the Great

He was a superstar when I got him to pose for me this morning. Little Miss was also a superstar assistant, holding a toy just above him to get him to participate. I need more light if I am to get better action shots of him, so that I can maintain a faster shutter speed.

We took Abe for a walk at the Wetlands (he was on a long lead - 15m). He was very well behaved and we all had a good time. We did get a bit muddy and soggy, but all good.

I am now settling in to write 200 words about - "Research and identify any new trend or technology that you see as possibly beneficial to your colour management workflow, how can you implement this new technology and what processes are you going to have in place to make sure you remain current with your colour management processes?" - which is really so incredibly boring fascinating!

I've just realised that I have posted my 4,745th blip - 13 years of consecutive photos and waffle! I really didn't think, all those years ago, that I'd still be going, not a day missed, thirteen years later. I have multiple outlets for my photography these days, but I still prefer Blip as my place of choice, where I can grumble, celebrate, laugh and cry with people who have been so important to me through thick and thin. Thank you if you have looked in on my journal over the past 4745 days. Thank you if you've commented, given me advice, reassured me, made me laugh. Thank you if you posted an image that has been exactly what I needed to see, exactly when I needed to see it. Thank you for being kind and generous. What a lovely bunch we Blippers are! If only everyone was like that. 


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