A Breath of Fresh Air
It was a big treat for the cats to have the window open without a screen. Nobody jumped out, don’t worry. As you can see in the Extra it was hot again today. We did not venture out. Heard that the highway into town was blocked up for miles and miles with beach traffic; so much for sheltering in place and distancing.
I knit a few rows on my sock, played a little piano, started a new book. Oh, and we juiced a ton of dropped apples. Got a gallon of juice and I’ll have to rearrange the freezer compartment again to see if it will fit. Mr S reports there is an equal amount of apples back on the ground.
This is not a good year for our tomatoes, however. They are small and rotting before they ripen. We get enough to have some with dinner, but I don’t think I’ll be making sauce or canning this year unless we buy a flat or two.
Just had a power outage for a couple hours. Not sure if it was one of those planned things or some kind of accident, but there is a strain on the grid because of the heat. Luckily it came back on just as it got dark. All the electronics beeped in a rolling wave around the house and now I don’t have to look for flashlights.
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