Bad Grandpa #23...A Boy and a Buick

While Grandma was shopping at JCPenney, Merrick and I stuck our noses into the Sloan Car Museum. 

"Hey Papa, what's that thing in the back of that car? Is it the trunk?"

"No,'s called a rumble seat. 2 people could actually ride back there."

"Can I go get in it?"

The area was roped off, but none of the 5 employees were in sight. "Go quickly Grasshopper. A couple of quick pictures, and out!"

The boy posed, an employee appeared from nowhere, and we were asked to leave. I didn't think it was the time to we complied.

DISCLAIMER: I wasn't a bad grandpa. We did see the vehicles, but I took the posed Merrick in front of a John Deere at a farmers market, and "put" him in the rumble seat. The tractor take is in the Extras.

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