
I took myself outside at seven this morning to enjoy my coffee and some bird watching before it got too hot. This grosbeak is a female and she was going through some interesting gymnastics sitting as shown on the top of the suet feeder then stretching upside down to reach the small lump of suet in the bottom. Bits of suet can be seen on her beak in this picture as she sits attempting to swallow.

This seems to be one of those days of malfunctions both large and small which are adding up to frustration. My photos have inexplicably paused themselves on their journey from the phone to the cloud to the computer. This one I took with my camera which once again is showing the wrong date. My sewing machine bobbin ran out of thread at a most inconvenient  moment and then wouldn't rewind itself properly, wasting a lot of thread which is likely to run out as well.  I think my machine is finally starting to complain of abuse and overwork by working to rule. 

New contact lenses were mailed to me from Walnut Creek , about 50 miles away over a week ago. Are they lost or just delayed in Trump's latest election scamming effort. It is typical that it wouldn't occur to him that people DO use the use the mail for critical items like medications.

Looks like we're going to have to rewrite the post office delivery motto which, by the way is actually carved in stone on the lintel of the post office in Washington DC.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
...but Donald Trump is going to do his darndest....

Power outages are possible from five to ten this evening because so many people (including us) are using their air conditioning. It is 104º outside. Turning off the power is the power company's excuse for every emergency. Maybe this will be the true test of our solar battery. There is a glitch in the app that allows us to control it from our phone, but we can still operate it from the garage  so that is a challenge for another day.

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