
By simisue


When I was driving home from the grocery store & looked up at
White Face Mountain, it took my breath away.  That is not a big puffy cloud
behind it, surrounded by blue sky.  That is a huge plume of smoke from the LAKE FIRE in the Angeles National Forest, near Lake Hughes.  

This fire, that started Wed., is quite far north from our house; but I know, from experience, wildfires can grow quickly (see my EXTRA taken just now, across the street from my house) & travel large distances.  This fire is 
1400 acres & 12% contained.  There have been evacuations & 6 buildings
destroyed, but no lives lost.  

What makes this fire very challenging, is the rough landscape & the extreme heat we currently are having.   That large plume is growing due to 
strong surface heating & an unstable atmosphere.  The good news is
the Santa Ana winds have not started yet, & fire fighters from
all over the state are at work.  They use a variety of aircraft that drop water & flame retardant, working day & night.  

I hope tomorrow that plume will disappear, a signal that the fireman are successful. 

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