Personality and Pants

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

We have been a bit concerned about Tiger of late. He is an excellent fellow. You would like him. Always ebullient, full of enthusiasm and joie de vivre. 

In this, he has not changed at all. There has been no noticeable shift in his personality. But he has been through a lot lately and we want to show support.

Joshua, one of the more circumspect amongst us, approached me to approach Tiger to arrange a social event for the three of us. So I sent a  message around suggesting a number of different activities. One of which was that I could do a "pop-up cinema" at Joshua's.

So that was how we came to stay with Joshua on Friday evening, where I rigged up my little projector for a screening of "Planet Terror" followed by "Machete". Joshua even made popcorn, and his whole flat smelled like a cinema. In addition, we had burgers and beers and Tiger appeared to enjoy himself very much.

His fortunes seem to have turned around lately. He loved his previous job, until there was a change in the ownership of the company and the imposition of a "shower of c***s" in managerial positions. Since then, it's all been a bit stressful.

But he's managed to secure himself a new job. And I have to say, I liked his approach to it. Apparently he was having a Zoom interview with his prospective new employers when he suddenly stopped.

TIGER: Um... can we just stop for a second? I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable.
INTERVIEWER 1: ...Are? Are you okay? Did we say something to offend you?
TIGER: Nah. It's not that. It's just that I'm sitting here in a suit and tie with work trousers on.
INTERVIEWER 2: And that's making you uncomfortable?
TIGER: Yeah. See. the thing is, I HATE work pants. If you employ me, you'll never see me in them. I usually wear clown pants*. And I NEVER tuck my shirt in and I bloody HATE ties.

There was a pregnant pause.

INTERVIEWER 2: Can you see this all over my jacket?
TIGER: ...Not really...?
INTERVIEWER 2: It's cat hair. From my cat. Gets all over everything. I'd much rather be wearing a t-shirt because I love my cat and he leaves his fur all over me.
INTERVIEWER 1: You can't tell from this, but I'm actually wearing pyjama pants with my shirt and tie.

Long story short, honesty reigned. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Tiger got the job. Apparently they really liked how he came across.

"Personality AND pants," said Joshua. "It's a winning combination."

It works for me.


* I'd call them "harem pants". They go swooshing around his legs whenever I see him. I've never seen anyone else wear them in New Zealand, just him. But they work for him.**

** Also he loves hats. He's a hat person. He told me that he takes great joy in hats. I wish hats made me as happy as they make him.

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