Still hot

Still hot today - the cooler weather did not arrive.

So, as there has been nothing more exciting about the day, this is a picture of the two window seat cushions, completed. I've added some of the blind fabric so you can see how they will look together, especially after I've made scatter cushions using both fabrics. Blue is the downstairs room and grey is the main bedroom. (funny how cameras can't really capture grey correctly.)Our daughter did the preparation work, measuring up and ordering cut to size foam with a batting cover. She also found the fabric in a shop in Islington that she could cycle to, as she is not happy about using pubic transport in London yet. Then it all came to me when they visited and I will take them down when we go to Cornwall, hopefully next week. It's hard to do any project like this, when there is 400 miles between us and then we have a pandemic, but it will all be done eventually. 

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