Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Yeah it's been a strange day

Not sure how to describe it all ...
Just so you know last night was not a trap to get me to have sex with them all .. We played a game .. Shouted a lot and ate snacks ..

This morning I collected DDLC at 8.30am and we set off for beady eyes home down in Hampshire .Beady has successfully beaten cancer of her eye ... Yes ... Her eye ... The trauma she has suffered is just massive ... The pain has been shocking and oh my god she is the best best over dramatic lady ever :D she is brilliant !! We did some shopping and I purchased this very tacky Bambi necklace and I love it !! We had lunch made by Big C her fella and then I went off to say goodbye to someone who I have known since I was 12 years old .. I don't know how to write it .. In my head I think perhaps she can hang on and I will get there again .. I didn't end up saying goodbye you know .. I just said see you soon ..
She's my oldest friends Mum ... I lived with them .. Holidayed with them .. I love Jen and Ted .. I kept up writing to Jen more than I did my friend as we are lazy but always pick up where we left off after months ... I don't know what to say ..
Please please please don't give me sympathy ! I should feel a fraud .. No .. Say something nice about Jenny hanging on .. And pray for a miracle perhaps ?
Anyway if you don't like tatty jewellery I don't actually give a shit this is today's blip and I love Bambi and my necklace reminds me of seeing Jenny and having laughs x

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