Observing and Learning
It was a relief to wake to an overcast morning and a much lower temperature after the heat of the night. Tony went off to do the weekly shop and I did some housework till lunchtime. A message came through from friend Angela, did I fancy an afternoon walk so that was a couple of hours sorted with much catching up and Covid talk. Jenny had also suggested an evening walk so it was a quick turnaround lasagne and then we set off through St Ives with her and Pete, and on to the moor as the sea fret moved in around us, very welcome. Another lovely opportunity to catch up with them. Now we are both yawning over our cups of tea and fruit cake.
Earlier, Tony had drawn my attention to a number of juvenile goldfinches who were learning how to use the feeders in the elder tree. This is one of them doing a balancing act whilst he watches for an opening.
Thank you to neighbour Steve who loaned me 'The Stone Quartet' by Alan Garner, which I have very much enjoyed reading. I think I will be logging on to the Waterstones website tomorrow and ordering some of those Garner books from my childhood!
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