
By mrsanf


So after breakfast and then sorting the kitchen out and getting the washing machine chugging through its second load I decided it was time to reacquaint myself with my card making stuff and make a card birthday card.

Loved losing myself in a bit of creativity.

Late morning we took of for a five mile wander around the Shotley peninsular taking in the the rivers Orwell and Stour, watched a tug boat helping a container ship leave its Felixstowe berth, curlews and snipes wading in the mud, a flock of geese sweep in and land in the oyster beds, a pack of hunting dogs and hunters in stunning green jackets follow a pre laid trail. Rounded the walk off with lunch at a local pub.

Weather started off grey and miserable and brighten up revealing blue sky and a hint of sun but ended with heavy grey skies. Helpfully the road warning signs advised of "serious weather forecast for 10.2.13". Now all tucked up in front of a blazing fire.
Whoosh there went Saturday

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