The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Electric Dreams

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Smashley and I have tried twice in the last few weeks to catch up for a drink but had to cancel because the weather has been awful.

We had arranged to meet today. He sent me a text the night before - “Looking ok for tomorrow evening!” I replied with “Will make a nice change from the apocalyptic weather on our last 2 planned catch ups!”

So we met at 7pm in the courtyard at Summerhall. It was a lovely, warm evening. I even thought that I should have brought sunglasses.

10 minutes later the heavens opened. I thought it was just a summer shower but it poured for almost the entire time we were there! Thankfully we were under a canopy because it was raining so hard that we had to raise our voices to be heard. It was brilliant. I love summer rain. I love the noise and the change in air.

We left at 10 pm just as the thunderstorm started and It lasted over 2 hours. I have NEVER seen anything like it In Edinburgh. The lightning danced across the sky every couple of seconds whilst the thunder ROARED. It was spectacular and I was genuinely awestruck by the amazing power of nature. Storms are oddly both exciting and calming.

The Prince went to pick up The Eldest Mini Princess from Steve’s house at 11 pm and the water on Mayfield Road was up to knee height!

Not sure I’ll tempt fate by arranging another beer with Smashley!


PS Murphy was slightly agitated but as soon as he could sprawl across me, he went to sleep and was absolutely fine.

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