An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Day's end...

Well that was quite a storm last night!  We didn't get the worst of it but it was bad enough.

Thankfully, after his initial bout of throwing up, Alan was fine, but Lola started making noises as if she was going to throw up!  David decided to sleep downstairs to be closer to the pair of them just incase they needed help during the night.  Thankfully neither of them did and Lola slept through all the thunder and lightening.  I am so thankful that she isn't stressed out by storms.  A friend had to wrap her dog in a duvet and shove him under the bed before he would stop shaking.  

I went to bed and made the mistake of opening the window blinds as I became mesmerised by the lightening and was still awake and watching it at 3.30am.  I finally fell asleep just before 4am and woke again at just before 7am.  The weather was much calmer.  Misty and quite a strange light, almost spooky.  Some little birds chirpy cheeping away.

Lots of local flooding and D's golf was cancelled as the course was closed. He was quite glad as he hadn't slept very well, so he had an afternoon snooze.

I've spent the day trying to organise weekend social activities as I am determined to have a least one BBQ before this summer is over (actually this might be the second of the summer but the first one out of lockdown)  but trying to suit everyone with dates is proving difficult.  Also thrown into the mix are friends from down south who are up north for a few days so trying to see them before they head even further north.

If we are seeing them on Friday then the BBQ will be on Saturday.  If not seeing them Friday, then the BBQ will be Friday.  Confused?  I am!  lol

I'm sure it will all work out.

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