Just over 12 hours apart.

An intense electrical storm hit Scotland last night. Great peels of thunder and flashes of lightning. And torrential rain. Started just after midnight and lasted until daylight at 630am. We were up much of the night. The thunder and lightning were spectacular. The street drain in front of our home was overwhelmed; and we’d water ruining down through our garden from back to front on both sides. Lots of washed out soil and landscaping. Fortunately none of the water got into our house, nor my car, or neighbours properties. At one point I went paddling to retrieve our garden refuse bin after it sailed away; and also a food bin as it was sucked into the vortex of the drain - so it had to be recovered. The local butchers went on fire, a house went on fire, a long section of canal burst its banks, and a local burn overtopped. Our wee walk down the back lane was partially washed away. And a train derailed.

My wife met some of her choir friends in the park today. A circle of deckchairs. And banter. First meeting since February.

We spent a fair bit of the afternoon tidying up, sweeping up debris etc. And in the evening had a prearranged family meal in the garden. It was mild and pleasant, nice to eat out together amongst our well watered plants. Great chat, lots on their different experiences of schools returning to a new regime for pupils andd staff.

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