Paused Shielding - Day 12

This little grasshopper was soaking up the sun this morning, unlike me, I just melted in the shade! It’s been a scorcher of a day, 32.5 degrees in the shade, but with the added humidity it felt like 39 degrees (according to the BBC app).

Knowing how hot it was going to be, I’d planned a quiet day but that wasn’t to be and my day has been taken up sorting problems for one person/animal or another. This evening we’ve an Amber Weather Warning for thunderstorms and overnight the humidity is set to rise to 92%. At gone 7 it’s still 30 degrees, another sleepless night ahead...

Take care, stay safe, well, and cool...

(Thank you for your recent kind comments, stars and hearts. When it drops below 30 degrees in the study, I’ll get round to replies.)

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