Pretty Privates

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today, Caro found a New Zealand online shop called "Pretty Privates". If you are interested, you can search for it on Facebook. The company sells earrings which have dangly parts that are literally dangly parts on the end. Like little model vaginas and boobs. 

"You could send a pair to the Princess!" suggested Caro. 

I have no notion where she gets such OUTRAGEOUS ideas.

Today she was out and about, while I was working at home. She went out with her mate Paula Who Talks About Her Children A Lot. So I was quite pleased not to be involved. I heard them leaving the house as Paula Who Talks About Her Children A Lot talked at length about her children.

But apparently they had a really nice day. Caro came across these chippies, which are Lamington flavoured. You may or may not remember that a Lamington is a type of cake, covered in raspberry icing and coconut shavings. So it's kind of like buying Victoria Sponge or Battenberg flavoured crisps.


Caro is really loving having two weeks off. It bothers me a little that she's already three days in. Having no troublesome doctors in her life really seems to lift her spirits. I'm not sure what to do about this. Caro either seems to be full-on with her work, or on holiday. There are no half-measures, no half-engagement, no half-arsedness.

I do try to set a good example, but she just can't do it. 

However, for the moment, she is happy. Perhaps I shall try again to get her to aspire to half-a-jobness when she returns to work. 

We'll see. 


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