Tuesday's painting...

...I woke up at midnight and I could not get back to sleep again because I kept seeing a white light flashing in my eyes. And I'm thinking oh no I've not got eye problems have I? Then suddenly there was this huge sheet of lightning in the sky. Which was a relief, because I knew it wasn't my eyes now.

But these lightning strikes went on and on and on. I don't know what the thunder was like because I didn't have my speech processor on. They were right above me.

It was just sheet after sheet of lightning. Popeye got upset and he was patrolling the bungalow. He wouldn't come back to bed. Each time I brought him back to bed he  got off the bed and was walking around every nook and cranny in the bungalow.

It was 1:00 a.m. by now and I could not stop Popeye from  patrolling around the bungalow. He would not stay with me on the bed. The sheets of lightning was still going on around my bungalow.

Finally at 2:00 a.m. I grabbed Popeye again wrapped him in a   towel. And brought him back to bed. He had been pacing for an hour. I couldn't get back to sleep because of the intense sheets of lightning still going on. So I put a towel over my face, and went to sleep. 

Woke up at 3 am because Popeye had wriggled out of the swaddling towel I had wrapped him in. And he was still pacing the bungalow checking every nook and cranny. 

I have got him asleep on my bed now. But I am tired out again.

Checked the weather and apparently this area had  intensified periods of lightning strikes in the night, and people are posting photos and you tube vids on it. 

I won't be going shopping today either. 

The weather looks deceptively beautiful at this minute...

My digital painting for today on Procreate.

I was thinking about it last night, but then it changed direction and focus with the lightning in the night.

So, here it is...

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