Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d


Had Lean seminar today in which our posters was displayed. Ours did pretty well (first) and was apparently the best one! So well done Group 1 (they almost certainly don't read my blip, so this is more of a brag really :P ).

Headed home to clean the apartment in anticipation of the landlord who never came. Well, at least it's clean now.

PhotoSoc coffe social afterwards which was quite brief for me as I needed to head off to a friends birthday meal/party. This is Kai pictured during the social.

Tok the bus home to drop my camera and met Muggs for his birthday meal and party. I'll spare everyone the details, but we ended up in Kasbah it was a good night. Oh, and I am starting to have a love-hate relationship with Jager Bombs.

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