Temporary Structures

Sandcastle and Ferris Wheel/Observation Platform. The annual sandcastle competition was changed to be a month-long event this year rather than encouraging a large gathering on a single day. A number of sandcastles on the beach this afternoon as people presumably made some late entries before the closing date in a couple of days. And in the background the controversial wheel. The council have reversed the earlier decision to allow it after much local outrage led to the involvement of the local Edinburgh City councillors. The discussion online indicates some confusion and a lack of understanding of local government with some people criticising the Portobello Community Council for their role in this whereas as I understand it the temporary license that was granted required no formal notification process, which is how the PCC would have got involved. And it is all complicated by the fact that the wheel is on the site of the old fairground that has been mostly replaced by new flats. There are people that say it is a great return to a flavour of the 'old Portobello', before the incomers arrived, pushing the buttons of the gentrification debate. It does seem to be far too close to not just the new flats but also the older low-level housing in that part of Portobello, overlooking what are otherwise private small gardens. Presumably the location is determined by land ownership - once again the lack of an easily accessible and detailed map of exactly who owns what comes to mind - but wouldn't a better location have been along at Seafield, where there is a wide promenade and only garages nearby? All of which is probably moot in these days of rising COVID cases and the re-imposed lockdown measures in Aberdeen. It doesn't feel like the right thing to do, encouraging more visitors to an already crowded location. Apparently the operators wanted it classed as a tourist attraction, which would be allowed to operate under present restrictions, and although that was initially accepted by the council officials involved, that designation has been replaced by that of a funfair ride, which currently cannot operate until August 24th whether it is part of a larger funfair or, as in this case, on its own.    

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