
Extremely quiet day.
Some catching up on work in the morning so I don't get a shock tomorrow, then since it's turned out sunnier than I expected I headed around Holyrood Park for a walk - first time in ages. Did the full circuit and nice to be able to stop at the courtyard cafe at the Palace for their very nice whisky fruit cake with a pot of tea and another chance to read some more of my book. 
Windier and less unalloyed blue sky sunshine than yesterday but still a pleasant day for a walk (wish I'd worn trainers not sandals though - couple of blisters started on my way home) and the wild flowers by the Parliament were looking lush.
Did the ironing and chatted to Mt for a while hearing about how they went down to help P yesterday and sorted some weeding as well as computer problems then talked about their house move.
AR and Mx were both in the background dashing around the garden with no clothes on but water pistols - simple pleasures!
Did all the ironing and made up the beds then settled down for my last quiet evening before what I assume will be madness come tomorrow.

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