Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Trying to live like normal

This afternoon one of our couples had planned for an outdoor 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration. They need to be outdoors now so that there is room for everyone to have proper space. As with all these celebrations, if there is rain it’s called off.

Well, this was the sky at starting time.

It’s so difficult trying to plan these events, with the possibility of rain closing it all down. Next weekend is a wedding with an outdoor reception. Same rules apply.

Each Sunday morning at 10:30 am we plan to meet outside for church, unless it’s raining. Then just stay home. It’s the new way of doing business I suppose.

I feel for those who lay out cash for decorations or prepared foods for the celebration. That’s a hard pill to swallow.

But at least we have outdoors to meet in. For now anyway. In a month it will already start to be too cool to meet outside. In fact for the past two years we’ve had snow at the beginning of September.

Hope that’s not the case this year.

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