An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Head in the clouds...

Alan was in such a good mood this morning.  I think he likes his haircut (after shots in extras :-)  I suggested it would have been a good idea to bring all the hair he'd had chopped off home so we could stick it on his dad's head.  He was breathless laughing at this suggestion!  :-))

The sun finally made an appearance today so after lunch we headed out for a run in the car.  Decided to head to Loch Tay at Kenmore taking the very scenic route via Crieff, the Sma' Glen and Glen Quaich.  

Driving through the Sma' Glen and Glen Quaich was as wonderful as ever.  Such stunning open spaces (see extras) It was easy to believe we were the only people on earth.  

Unfortunately when we arrived at Kenmore that illusion was shattered as it was absolutely mobbed!  We have never seen it so busy.  The grassy area and the loch side were teeming with people with no sign of self distancing. Cars parked all along the road at the top of the loch causing major holdups.  

We drove as far as the visitor's centre and shop, also mobbed.  David took Lola for a short walk but I stayed in the car.  On the way back there were two policemen trying disperse crowds and get people to move their cars from the main road.  Goodness knows where they would move them to.  I was so glad to get back up the hill and into the isolation and freedom of Glen Quaich.  

The view across Loch Freuchie from the top of the hill was spectacular as ever and I have included it in extras especially for my blip pal Freuchie  :-))

Once home D headed to the practice area on the golf course for a wee while and I had my first attempt at making Scottish snowballs.  Pic of the end result in extras.  They're a little bit firmer than shop bought ones but taste fab.  Will take the rest to Ele's tomorrow :-))

And that was Saturday.

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