The Discharge Lounge

Having spent the last 10 days in hospital I’m now fit enough to head home. It has been a difficult time which was so unexpected. I have been cared for in an extraordinarily manner which I cannot fault. I have some pictures to post and plan to document some of my experiences. I’m a retired nurse so can be matter of fact about things, but my journal is about my life as lived!! 
I don’t intent to upset anyone, so please skip sections if you need to.

This is already a back blip and I will be going forward and
backwards until I’m on schedule.

I was told yesterday by one of Regs that I would be going home today, but when the Senior Registrar did this morning’s round he ordered another chest X-ray, bloods, physio assessment as safe to discharge .....and others!! I negotiated a discharge today if it could all be done and the results Ok.

The staff pulled out all the stops, with the discharge nurse getting a chair and whipping me down to X-ray to get the job done. 

B drove the 1hr plus journey to the hospital, which he had never visited before, to pick me up to go home. I was so pleased to get in the house and have a tiny piece of pizza for supper. Tasting food has been a problem and I haven’t eaten much whilst here. 

Good to sleep in our own bed, with help at hand when I need it!!! 
A very long day. It’s good to be back !!!

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