Flower Friday. : : Rudbeckia
It took a fair amount of organizing, but our band of Pilates refugees did finally convene at Cafe Frida this morning. A splinter group suggested Trail House which is closer to some of us but farther from others due to long overdue road repaving projects which seem to be going on at random spots all over the county. Perhaps the city fathers have decided that they'd better spend the money designated while they can since the coffers are draining rapidly into Covid related rescue plans.
Whenever I start feeling fed up with the situation, I remind myself that I am not in a rest home. The majority of the Covid deaths are now taking place there and I feel for those poor people. Not only for the people who have died alone in hospital, but for those who are still living in these care homes surrounded by the sick and dying and not even able to receive visits from their closest family members. It sounds like a living hell for everyone involved. I wish they could find alternative places to isolate those who are ill.
I've spent the day 'seeing stars' as I struggle to reinvent the Dancing Stars quilt. It is turning out to be a real challenge to my already compromised ability to visualize spatial relationships. I've even drafted John, who is much better at such things, but not very visual. Since I am almost 100% visual, it often feels as if we aren't even speaking the same language. He explains something his way, I explain something my way, and it winds up feeling as if we are talking past each other....
I can remember some real shouting matches between John and Dana when he was trying to explain algebra to her. I can still hear her saying, " I don't WANT to learn a SHORTCUT. I want to learn it the way the teacher explained it!" I can also remember muttering practically the same thing to him on backpacking trips about real shortcuts which almost always involved bushwhacking through heavy timber and/or getting lost...."Cant we just take the TRAIL?"
I'm still enjoying that TGIF feeling even though there isn't much to distinguish Friday from any other day.
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