Uncertain horizons, shifting sands

To Silverdale, which is a bit of a gem. We had a good walk through Eaves Wood, owned by the National Trust, to The Cove, and then up to the Pepperpot atop King William’s Hill for some fine views over Morecambe Bay.

Although the shielding period has ended formally, we have not changed what we do or how we deal with things. Walking is fine, but it still has to be 2m social distancing, and that always means us stepping away from people when it looks as if they are coming in our direction. It feels a bit anti-social, but it’s also very necessary. We have talked about the way in which we and others seem to be operating in parallel universes. I suspect other shielders must also be feeling pretty vulnerable at the moment.

It’s all very uncertain and unsettling. Which is why this image seemed to fit. We’ve struggled a bit this week.

Extra. The view from the Pepperpot (which is itself out of shot here). In the distance Heysham nuclear power station, and really close inspection will also reveal a distant Blackpool Tower.

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