Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Friday was an odd kind of day. One of these days when I didn't seem to do a lot, or achieve a lot, but still got quite a lot done. It was a day that was warm, but rarely sunny, but also one when I got very wet when out for my daily walk.

Managed a couple of hours weeding in the garden and, having showered and changed my clothes, decided to go for a short walk - still had my Blip to take for the day. Between coming in from the garden and going out for a walk, maybe about 30 minutes, the rain had started in earnest. Grabbed an umbrella and headed off, only to cut the walk short and come home via a different route.

Took this photo of a Rose Spirea (according to the app on my phone) that overhang a garden wall along my way. Now home with wine in the glass and football on the TV. What's not to like about Fridays?

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