Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Don't Fence Me In

Off eastwards again today, to spend the afternoon with our friends C and C in their gazebo, enjoying a delicious spread and a little glass of fizz, each in our own corner and observing all the rules of social distancing. 

They live in a cottage in the heart of Berwickshire, known as the Merse. It has some of the best agricultural land in Scotland, and our chatter was against the background of a contractor cutting hay in the next field (should have been done 6 weeks ago, said C, ever the farmer ...), and some very vocal  rooks scavenging in the stubble.

We came home by a roundabout route, which took us up to Hume Castle (extra). Once it was a key fortress, much bashed about in times of yore.  The ruins have been shored up and from up there the views stretch forever.  

The main picture is looking south into England, through the railings which stop you falling onto the rocks below, and the other extra is to the north, with the Eildons ever present.

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