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And so to lifting the Kennebek potatoes in Plot 1.0. Any susceptible members of the party have been triaged to the correctional facility for early re-education. Loyal comrades are reinterred as sleeper cells for the coming second wave given the ambient temperatures are not conducive to indoor holding. Members of the Central Committee remain optimistic regarding this two dogs for one dinner strategy mindful of the need for fresh troops in the cooler autumn months for winter manoeuvres.

At Kolkhoz Plant 3 “Memories of the Kingdom of Fife” the comrades made a truly proletarian beetroot marmalata using only the finest socialist ingredients and large amounts of electricity from the Victory of Prestonpans hydro scheme. A War Hero dispensation from the Great Leader minimised the introduction of sawdust and rock powder. The ambitious production quotas set at spring planting seem somewhat optimistic but by using huge if revisionistically underfilled jars the comrades hope to win the approval of the provisioning Commissar. Should she raise objections we have in place an underdetermination of material forces qua superstructuralist tendencies defence strategy as approved at the 57th Party plenum following a nine hour speech by Comrade Althusser of the Arbroath League of Revolutionary Tattie Howkers.

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