
By Gizmogirl

A work in progress

When I first started taking photos as a teenager I mainly took transparencies rather than prints with the result that I have hundreds of slides in assorted containers which I hardly ever look at, but cannot bring myself to throw out!

So ... with the aid of the slide scanner that my brother gave me for Christmas I have embarked on a project to transfer them all on to my laptop. The actual scanning is very quick but tackling them in Photoshop thereafter to get rid of dust specks and scratches and to try and counteract any general deterioration due to age is a slow process.

Tonight I've been down memory lane with some of my slides from 1972-73 when I spent a year in France. Many of the photos definitely have more sentimental value than photographic merit but on the whole they have emerged from photoshop looking not too bad at all!

This will be a project stretching into years rather than months, methinks!

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