
By gabbahey

Piece o' tat

I've been wondering how long it would take me to blip this piece of crap. This ornament type thing was bought for me when me and Keith went for lunch one day and had a few beers too many. We set a budget of £7 and went into the crappiest shop we could find. I got this - it's a 10" chrome effect statue of a singer, I think he looks more in pain than in tune. Keith got a tacky glittery Buddha incense holder and a tin of fruit cocktail which had no best before/use by date to take me up to the £7 mark.

This ornament has pride of place in my cupboard until Keith visits when I dutifully pull it out of the cupboard and it sits on my fireplace.

While I have the chance, I would like to point out that i'm Scottish and female...not English and male as a certain Mr Tucson Jim thought...tsk tsk.

In other news, Logan has started to say "hit me bartender" when he wants a drink...Marcus, if you're reading this - why, oh why do you teach our child to say these things?!?!?


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