
By sp33dway

A Rainbow Of Songs

I was running ever-so-slightly late this morning by enough minutes to not get down the stairs in time to give my little girl a cuddle before ladyS33d dropped her off at nursery, so was pleasantly chuffed to find these little musical record things from her musical train thing all lined up in a row guiding me out of the house. ladySp33d texted me mid-morning to let me know they'd been arranged there very carefully "like a rainbow of songs" for me so I could sing them on the way to work.

Last day of the current round of freelancing today but this morning i was asked to hang around till the end of the month for 3 days a week which is great because it fits in around the treatment plan for Dad which kicks off next week. I've had to turn down a few things since finding out about Dad either due to a lack of familiarity with a brand or campaign or the fact that the client is a new one so the demands for having a fully functioning unmuddled mind is too great, so to have this brings at least some sort of structure to my life for the immediately foreseeable.

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