
Photo shows how good the wide angled lens on an iPhone can be! I don’t think I’ve had the opportunity before to have a nice sunny day, the right position and the phone with me all at the same time. The photo shows the Castle, Gloriette, Maidens Tower, Gatehouse and Mill. Taken from the approach to Cedar Lawn on my walk back to the car park.

Today I played tourist with several members of our team. We booked slots, met at the entrance and walked the one way route through the estate to the shade of the apple trees at the far end. Most had brought picnics ( I supported the catering outlet and bought mine)! We enjoyed a long and leisurely chat. I broke off in the middle to attend another meeting, this time a virtual one as my colleague is isolating. These meetings are tough, and oh, so sad. It was lovely to see some familiar faces, Although a lot of them look very tired! I was touched with the response from Ian, who was clearly pleased to see me. 

I don’t have any more meetings scheduled, but some team members who couldn’t make today have asked for another date, so I will be back, if only as a tourist in couple of weeks.

For those who read of the cooker saga, the engineer came today, having had a cancellation. She couldn’t identify the problem and so couldn’t fix it. They are sending a replacement (big sigh of relief) on Sunday. 

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