Laterite Stone Head

We went to The Himalayan Garden and Sculpture Park near Masham in North Yorkshire today. An intriguing woodland / garden set in a deep valley. We didn’t walk as far as we expected as the site is not that big, but we did a lot of ascending and descending of the the valley sides.

The obligatory coffee and snack to begin the tour...interrupted by tea and cake half way round and then tea to finish the day!

A lot of ‘sculptures’ around the place, they were not really to my taste - but this stylised head made from laterite stone caught my eye. I liked the colour and texture. The colour (apparently) is to do with a high iron and aluminium content and weathering of the underlying rock.. so there!  This piece of rock was imported from India. Added an extra of a minihenge... photograph taken with the camera on the ground!

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