
By Doyley22


Another beautiful, cold day - Sophia was here this morning and we had a lovely time together including making Anzac Biscuits for Sophia's mummy. I had to work quickly to put the biscuits on the baking tray as Sophia was shovelling the mixture into her mouth at a great rate.  
This afternoon I took the camera for a walk along the path hoping to find some wrens and I wasn't disappointed.
The blip is a Blue Breasted Fairy Wren and in extras is a Spotted (White Browed) Scrub Wren.  I'd not seen the Scrub Wren before - very exciting to watch him dine out on a few things in amongst the wood chips.
The Fairy Wren was motioning to fly off which shows his wings moving into position.  Very exciting to see both of them.

Thank you for all your comments of late - very kind of you to tolerate my absence at times.

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