Splashing about

I feel much better after my Duvet day yesterday. I went and checked the sheep this morning as it was frosty and bright. Then I sent my Man Human off for a haircut. I did offer him the use of Sweepie's clippers but he wanted a professional job done. When he came back he looked very neat and tidy. He offered to take me for a run in my pick up but there was no sun to keep me warm so I declined and stayed in front of the fire. He was only back a little while when they decided to go for the messages. The Back up Human arrived shortly afterwards to feed and walk us.

The blip is taken at work with them having a splash about after a very busy week. As you can see Yodi is a bit like me and doesn't really do water but the other two are mad keen on the stuff. Each to their own, have a great weekend, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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