Dawn the Dog Whisperer

We had our final session with the Dog whisperer today. She was great and spent the time recapping what we have learnt and sorted out a few other little issues. I could have spent so much longer with her. She's just so knowledgeable. I really admire people who are just so good at what they do. I will miss her.

I then popped to Sainsburys. I do the self scan on my phone. I was selected for a check at the till and the checkout lady zapped about 10 items and just kept going until she found an unscanned bottle of mayonnaise. I just must have forgotten to go it or it didn't scan. I then had to unload my whole shop onto the conveyor belt feeling like a criminal. I'm convinced a camera was watching me as that checkout girl was not going to give up until she found that unscanned item!!!

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