
By Seelye

Reflection from Forest Fire Smoke

This was last night. There is so much smoke in Phoenix from California's forest fires that the reflection from the smoke caused a red phenomenon.

The air was awful this morning, smoky, hot, humid. I was so glad when I was back inside where I got some needed housework done. But in error, I walked Lolo this morning. I forgot it was Monday and my morning off. So Avelino got up a little after 6 and tried to walk him after I brought him home and couldn't figure out why he didn't want to walk. Wow, Covid living on my part.

Then I decided to mall walk. Oh boy did I luck out in not getting a traffic ticket on the way. I came on these traffic cones, then switched lanes. Then there was this car infront of me and I thought "what in the hell is this guy doing?!" So I went around him and got in the left hand only lane. Then, I see this cop running behind me waving his arms. I open my window, stick my head out and say "hi officer". He was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" So I told him and he said "what did you think about the car right in front of you?" And I just said I thought it was somebody that wanted to turn around but was on their phone and just parked there. I said if its not a police car, people do all kinds of things. LOL...he let me go! But it is actually what I thought. Probably you needed to be there.

Tomorrow is another day...

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