My New Computer Guy...

....delivering my new computer. More importantly, he is Peter my grandson and despite all the setbacks that students everywhere have endured he has been majoring in computer science at UC Santa Barbara (or from his bedroom). He transferred all my information from they old computer to a brand new one which looks almost exactly like my old one but is a little thinner because they eliminated almost all the ISB ports and the slot for the memory card from my 'real' camera. Apple is clever that way. In the name of 'design'  the new and improved version is actually missing items that I use every day. I had to order a plug in version. I'm not quite sure how this is an improvement except perhaps to Apple's bottom line....

My day started early this morning and I missed my Pilates class because I had to drive across town to the dermatology clinic to have two more biopsies, one on my ear. I was in and out very quickly but they still didn't have the results on two out of the three she did two weeks ago.  It's getting old, but I remind myself how much worse it could be. It was too early to go to the fabric store near the clinic so I dashed back across town and join John and Gail and Bob for post Pilates coffee at Trail House....

I needed the right fabric to continue with the dancing stars quilt, but didn't fancy driving back across town again, so I went instead, to Sonoma where there is another nice quilting store. It's a 25 minute drive, but a pretty one through the Sonoma Valley vineyards ripe with fruit this time of year. The winemakers will be out measuring the brix (sugar) level of the grapes to decide when to begin harvesting them. Once that begins, it is a very busy time  of year around here known as The Crush. The roads are usually filled with trucks loaded with grapes, or tankers full of juice.It will be interesting to see how this is all handled during a pandemic.

I listened to the governor's press conference on the way home. He rattles off conflicting statistics, warnings and other Covid related information that leaves me with a headache but none the wiser as to what direction we are going. Time to go back to the classical music station in the car....We got a refund from our auto insurance company because we never go anywhere, so this felt like a big outing....

Once again, I'm behind on comments because I've been working my way out of password hell with Peter. It won't let me into the App store because the computer was purchased by someone (Jim) with a different password.....

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