Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

This one's mine!

Today (Nadine, I nearly left it as typed - topiary, as I knew it would make you laugh!) I decided to clear out some handbags with Cleo's help. She made it quite clear though that this one is her favourite and I wasn't willing to risk arguing with her!!! You get some idea here of just what a small cat she is, she still looks, and often behaves, like a kitten but will be 8 in October. I did manage to clear some other bags out though, so that's another load ready for the charity shop. They are getting so much stuff in just now and have to leave it for 72 hours before unpacking it. The manager was telling me that their donations area fills up very quickly each day, so unless you get there first thing in the morning to drop things off, they have to turn donations away which saddens them, of course.
A nice morning today and I managed to get myself up and out first thing for a run. I managed 4k which pleased me as I've not been running as regularly as I would like.
Made a batch of blackcurrant jelly this afternoon which will please Isobel as it is her favourite. I've noticed, (and tested) the blackberries are opening on the cycle path, so soon it will be bramble jelly season once again. Harder to pick them though when I'm running, when walking it was much easier to take the time to stop and pick.
We had a supermarket takeaway Indian meal deal this evening as I couldn't be bothered thinking about food, very reasonable it was too.
Tonight, we watched an episode of Vera, we've finally made it to the most recent series. A Ryanair ad in the middle made us laugh, so clearly made before lockdown as they spoke of their policy of filling all their planes to keep the prices down!

Keep safe everybody, a peak in Aberdeen this time. Don't let there be any more, I couldn't face a return to full lockdown and the children need to be back in school.
Steps today 13652

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