Mama’s Armada

We went to the refuge today and got to see this mama Whistling Duck and her little ducklings. A whole passel of them! Not the best photo but the best I could get. They were so sweet.
We’ve had a quiet day. Thanks for your concern about Molly Mule. The ferrier came out and it looks like a sprain rather than a hoof infection. That’s much easier treated. She’s getting anti inflammatory drugs and penicillin for a few days. She is already walking better. She not a fan of the med and shots, though. :—)
I wanted to go see Fire Ant and her family this week but she and her other grandmother may have been exposed to Covid and are on lockdown until the 7th at least. It is “second hand” exposure so we are hoping for the best. Her great grandmother who was directly exposed is showing no symptoms so far.
We are also having to keep our distance from our sweet neighbor who has been exposed. She too is well so far.
So I guess we will hang with the birds for a while longer. :—) Be blessed!

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