I did something horrible and evil
I love fountain pens. I got my first fountain pen when I was in the Soviet Union. The combination of the cheap plastic pen with the clever design that makes a fountain pen transfer ink through it, without repeated dipping, hooked me and I've loved them ever since. I bought this for myself last year for my birthday which roughly coincided with the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon.
In this cool family I've married into, when my in-laws get a new car someone else gets their old car. Now I have this wonderful, new safe car, and my father-in-law suggested my nephew get my older car. His thinking was that my nephew only drives locally so it wouldn't really matter if it broke down on him because he wouldn't be far away. I loved the idea of someone in the family benefitting from the car that came from someone else in the family first. All lovely ideas, but my sister-in-law pointed out that my old car has NO modern safety features and is "frigging old." :-) Well, yes, there is that.
This evening I did something horrible and evil - I put stinky tick repellent on Prince Samuel. He so hates that. He insisted on going outside, immediately, even though it was still very, very hot. We went to the woods with narrow paths and occasional humans and ran into a family of humans and their dogs. I dragged him off the path to avoid them and then loudly said, "no Samuel, I'm sure they are very nice dogs but the humans and I might bite each other." They laughed.
Another week begins. We can do it!
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