Second flowering

Tired last night so in bed by 11.30....slept like a log ;-)

After breakfast we decided to walk into town for the papers, then it was a toss up between coffee in Costa or Reds.....Reds won the day and this then evolved into lunch too :-)

Hubs foot still not good....he managed to hobble, its the opposite leg to his bad knee, not sure whether thats a good thing or not :-/

After a slow walk home we sat in the sun for a while. I decided to cut back the other cotoneaster, it had got quite big and busy!
Its a nice circulat shape now ;-)

By mid afternoon we had lovely blue skies and warm sunshine so I went on a little garden safari with my camera.

This geranium, courtesy of a tiny cutting I snook on a visit to a certain Dunham (shhh!) last year has been fabulous. Its really spread well and this is the second time its flowered during the summer. I love how the sun shines through its purple petals.

We've had a typical Sunday roast chicken dinner this evening. We have watched Countryfile, followed by Casualty and now A Suitable Boy, which we are wuite enjoying.

We are off out for the day tomorrow, hope hopalongs' foot holds up ;-)

Have a safe week everyone

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