Princess Leia is semi-broody at the moment. She gets up with the others in the morning, but then spends most of the rest of the day in the coop. I did haul her out of bed this afternoon for a bowl of post-lunch scraps (bread, melon skins, tomatoes, cucumber) but she headed straight back. Her head is very dirty because she found, somehow, some cement dust in the garden to bathe in.
Icy cold today. Glorious. Which meant I could garden for the whole morning without heat exhaustion being a major risk. So all the chillis are potted on, and the excessive brassica purchasing from yesterday is mostly dealt with. The other two hens were excessively interested in the new cabbage bed, and with one pecking the leaves, and other other trampling all over the plants, I have ended up having to cover them with fleece for tonight. Tomorrow I'll try and get some nets - which will hopefully keep the hens and the pesky yellow beetles off.
Lazy lunch, then a luxurious couple of hours reading and snoozing in the hammock. The girls had the day out in Carcassonne today, and Mr B has gone to collect them from Villefranche.
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