
By Juli

It's 'Forget It Friday'!

What a week (again)!

Last week I wasn't feeling too good and, to cap it all, on the Friday there was a bit of an incident in the classroom I was in. Nothing exactly to do with me, except that I shouldn't have allowed a situation to develop where this incident could have taken place in the first place, if that makes sense. So yes, hands up, it was my fault and although there was 'no harm done' in the end, I did spend a fraught few days until I got back in on Wednesday and found that all was well. Phew! I keep telling myself I'm there to learn but hopefully not quite that way too often!

Today, it was my son's turn to be upset, as he got told off for not doing his work in class and has to finish it at home. Not sure yet what his problem with it was but, to be honest, he does sometimes go off in a daydream when he should be working! Don't know where he gets that from...

Anyway, between us we've decided that from now on, every Friday will be 'Forget It Friday'. As soon as we get home, whatever bad things happened during the week will be forgotten, we'll recharge our batteries over the weekend and start afresh on Monday. That's the plan, anyway!

Unlike my son, my Friday has been really great. I taught my first lesson this afternoon. The head of department who was observing me said he was very impressed, I'd really communicated well with the children and had pitched it just right. Of course, it wasn't perfect by any means but I'm thrilled - and hopefully I've gone a little way to redeeming myself after last week!

After that it was Geography Club. One of the girls asked me if I'd like some cake she'd made:

Girl: Would you like some of the cake I made?
Me: Yes please!
Girl: It's my science project.
Me: Errrrrrrmmmmm...... O-kaaaaaay. What will it do to me?!?
Girl (giggling): Nothing! It's just decorated like an animal cell.
Me: Phew! OK then, I'd love a piece.

And very nice it was too.

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